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Women's Market, Jorhat

Project Location: Na-Ali, Jorhat, Assam.
Project Status: Ongoing
Project Cost: INR 26 Crores.
Site Area:  5,477 SQ.M
Built Up Area: +5000 SQ.M
Green Building certification: USGBC-LEED & IGBC Certifications

Ima Keithal at Manipur was the inspiration for us to come up with a model that was more of contemporary and formal of its kind. As site being located at the heart of the town with traffic grid lock, a solution was much needed for a multilevel mechanical basement parking limiting its ground coverage to only 30%.
Green building and sustainability were the fundamentals for the design.
Piloti’s have been used which unifies the otherwise complex volumetric nature of the building.
The planning compliments the structure and the structure conveys the form.
The design massing boasts to conserve energy by building acclimatization in architecture. Inspired from past, an inspiration for the future.
The idea behind creating an individualistic design is for it to incorporate traditional design elements in contemporary colors. With the quest to create spaces that exuberate an amalgam of international design aesthetic and functionality whilst catering to the native demands, it is imperative that there is a seamless blend of the dweller and designer’s vision. The concept in this scenario germinated from the impact of transitional theme.
The project uses the best materials & latest technologies to the benefit of its users.
One of the key parameters was that the design be a dialogue between legacy and modernity with the new intervention becoming a part of, and not an insert into, the site.
It is an iconoclastic approach that does not impose itself on the city’s skyline and allows for a mix of functions that promote an organic unity, which will flourish with the passage of time.